A month ago we had my sister's bachelorette party (I can't believe I haven't posted about it yet!).
Guests were invited to wear their tackiest bridesmaid dress, and boy did they!
The bride, of course, wore a wedding gown. |
Once everyone arrived, we enjoyed a delicious meal together that was prepared by my dear mother. She made caesar salad, candied carrots, pastry-wrapped chicken stuffed with cheese (and topped with an inappropriate pastry shape), and potatoes.
The cloth napkins were the perfect addition to our table setting. |
Mmm, mmm, mmm! |
The hunk of the evening... |
Abby's bridesmaid, April, baked these sweet things. |
Abby saving the day... |
After dinner, the guests went on a scavenger hunt. Everyone started with clue number one, which lead them to clue two, which lead them to clue three....all the way up to ten where the winning team found a prize. It went okay, but if I could do it over, I would start everyone out with a different clue.
The clues, of course, were dirty and inappropriate. **Dad, if you're reading this, stop here.** For example, clue number one said, "A great place to do the deed, especially when on your monthly bleed." Terrible and disgusting--Lord, forgive me--but, the answer for that one (if you haven't guessed it yet), is the shower.
If anyone out there is planning a bacherlorette party and would like to know all ten of the dirty clues I came up with, let me know and I'll email them to you!
After the hunt, we played dirty charades. This was my favorite game of the night and, aside from one *surprisingly* shy person, I think everyone really liked it! Everyone was on their own team and had to act out two different dirty words (i.e. porn, missionary, dildo). Whoever was first to guess their word received one point. AND, if the girl who was acting out the word had her word guessed within 30 seconds, she got a point too. The person with the most points won (I did first and second prizes).
Lastly, the group split into two teams and each stood in a straight line. I gave the first person in line a cucumber, they placed the cucumbers upove their knees and between their legs, and passed it to the next girl in line. Two rules: 1) no hands allowed 2) if the cucumber drops, the team has to start over from the beginning. The first team to get their cucumber to the end of the line wins. We played best out of three and the winning team won "BJ Blast" (...which I think was like rock candy...which sounds painful).
Marissa and Shannon |
The losing team. |
The WINNING team! |
After the games, Abby opened her presents, we chit chatted, drank, adjusted our sexy dresses, and headed out the door! The night was spent bar hopping, singing karaoke, and dancing our booties off. We stayed out alllll niiiiighhhhttt loooonnngggg! Even my mom stayed all night (she was our dd)!
Cute little nightie and robe set from her Aunt Krista. |
Beer, munchies, napkins that read: "Contrats on no longer living in sin," and the party favors: chocolate, ring pops, ibuprofen, and suckers. |
April and Lindsay learning some new moves. |
April made cosmos for everyone! |
The whole gang at the bar! |
Me and my mom. Can you believe how giant that sleeve is!? |
If you've seen the movie, "Bridesmaids", you'll understand :) |
Another "Bridesmaids" reenactment :) |
Karaoke | |
Lindsay showing off her awesome shorts. And no, she did not have an accident...it just looks that way. |
Jenna and Abby |
April and Abby |
Abby and me |
Piled in the back of my car for the ride home (with gyros in hand). |
...exactly two weeks til wedding day. Holy MOLY!
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