Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The freebird returns

I don't believe I have mentioned the recent whereabouts of my absentee best friend, Natalie, on this here blog yet, but before I do so, I'd like to give you a little bit of background information...

Our sophomore year of college, Natalie and I studied abroad in Austria for the second semester. During this time we traveled all over Europe. Immediately (like, immediately--no you es of ay in between) after Europe, we took advantage of another study abroad program and headed to China for a month.

This was not enough travel for Natalie.

Our senior year of college, Natalie went back to Europe and spent two semesters teaching English in Poland.

Here is the semi-current update:

Six weeks ago, Natalie quit her job of six months, moved back to her parents, packed her bags, and flew down to South America. She went with her high school friend, Amy, Amy's fiance, Jeremy, and their almost-two-year-old daughter, Lola. BACKPACKING!

I was a bit concerned for two reasons:
1) A two-year-old? Backpacking? ...Natalie doesn't even like kids! 
2) Upon her return, she has no job to come home to!

But, oh well, that's Natalie--my ultra-free-spirited, non-baby-loving (how is that even possible!?) best friend--and I wouldn't trade her for the whole wide world!

The most current (and most important) update:

She will FINALLY be home TOMORROW!

And surprise, surprise, yesterday she sent me a Facebook message asking if I'd road to California with her next month...ha :)

Here are a few pictures from previous travels...if you're really bored, you can browse through here to see more.

Klagenfurt, Austria
Venice, Italy
Dublin, Ireland
Croatia (I forget the city--the capital)
Beijing, China

And this next one is a recent one of Natalie and Amy in Peru!

Hooray for homecomings!

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