Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ciao Ciao to January.

Now that I am finally starting to feel better, I am so motivated to do something other than sit on my couch all day. I have a thousand and one things to do, and this weekend I plan to get at least five of them done. My thought is that if I write them down and announce them to the world (the two people that might read this), I will feel more obligated to actually complete them. So...

1. Get the most important details of my sister's bridal shower nailed down.

2. Get the date set for my sister's bachelorette party.

3. Find all of my old pictures! I am paranoid that some of my old pictures have been deleted somehow. Once I (hopefully) find them, I need to get them uploaded to an online album of some sort.

4. Clean. Oh goody.

5. Finish the shopping/exchanging that I have put off for the last couple of weeks.

I'm feeling good about this--I think it's fairly realistic.

On another is the LAST DAY OF JANUARY! THANK GOD! Please, February, be a little bit kinder to me. 

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