Fact 1: My entire first name is Andi. Not Andrea.
Fact 2: I love red wine. And beer. I think I get this from my dad. He is not an alcoholic, nor am I, but it's not very often that either of us go a night without indulging in one of these delicious beverages.
Fact 3: I am not married and not with child. But believe me, I want both of those very badly! Someday. Maybe soon, maybe not. I am perfectly happy doing whatever I want, whenever I want right now. But (probably sooner rather than later), this contentment is going to wear off.
Fact 4: I am partially obsessed with Taylor Swift. Seriously, she writes her own music, her lyrics always seem to say exactly what I wish I could, somehow all of her songs have such a catchy tune, and she is such a good person. What's not to partially obsess over?
Fact 5: I am obsessed with buying kitchen things. This might be a normal fact for many, but probably not for those that are kitchenless (like me). I currently live with my rents and my mom already has all of the necessary (and unnecessary) kitchen things and does 99.9% of the cooking. For some reason, though, I would much rather go shopping for spatulas and ovenmits than for jeans or jewelry. So, I have boxes upon boxes of never-been-used kitchen utensils just waiting to be used in my own kitchen someday.
Fact 6: My nickname is Penelope. There is no reason.
Fact 7: I hate animals. Of all sorts. My family always had pets when I was younger but I was never fond of any of them. In fact, in order for me to touch/hold a cat or puppy as a child I had to have a towel in my hands so I wouldn't have to come in contact with their fur. Nowadays, I could care less about holding one of those creatures. I know, right now you're probably thinking, 'what kind of a person doesn't like animals?'...but I am not a horrible person, I promise.
Fact 8: I am a ginger (or as some may call it, a "red-head"). Believe it or not, I am the ONLY one in my entire immediate and extended family that has red hair. Nobody knows where mine came from. Gosh, aren't I lucky. :/
Fact 9: I am a sucker for "48 Hours: Investigates" and "Dateline: Murder Mysteries." My dad jokes that if there were never any horrible crimes in this world, I would have no entertainment. Gosh, that sounds so morbid!
Fact 10: I don't wear socks with my flats. I don't even care if this fact might make my shoes and/or feet smell.
Fact 11: I am extremely emotional. It's rare for me to make it through the gift-card aisle without crying. I remember one time, I was picking out a birthday card for my sister and read one card that said, "You're more than just a sister, you're a friend," and I was sobbing. WHAT THE HECK? ...I should also mention the time I watched "Dancing with the Stars" and cried for at least two hours after the episode ended (in my defense, that episode's theme was to dance to a song that had meaning to you, and the meaning/story behind all of the songs were so touching!)
Fact 12: I am extremely sentimental. 99.9% of all the cards, letters, personal emails, notes, etc. that I have ever been given, I still have.
Fact 13: I love to dance. In lines. My beautiful friend Lauren (see her blog here) is my favorite line-dancing friend (and my mom, of course).
Welp, since I can't think of any more facts and this nite-time cold medicine is starting to kick in (at 5:15 PM), I'm calling this post complete.
This is the only half-way corresponding picture I have for this post. My dancing boots (Fact 13). |
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