Holy, holy smokes! I have been gone for so long I don't even know where to start! The number one reason for my absence is work. For the past four weeks I had been working on audits where I did not have internet access (or, if I was lucky, I got to share an internet cord with two other people). And, since I usually blog during my lunch break, that really wasn't feasible. Also, for the past four weeks I have been working on audits that suck the life out of me. Literally. It wasn't uncommon for me to be at work at 6 AM and not leave until 7 PM (or later). This, you see, has really planted the "find a new job" seed in my mind--but enough about work--I am soooo sick of it!
This is a typical work space for me and my co-workers. I dream of having an office (or even a cubicle) someday! |
This is not exactly a typical binder of ours, but it was so funny looking that I had to take a picture. I am SO GLAD I was not the one who had to go through this ginormous thing. |
Last Friday Trent and I spent the evening in the quad cities and stayed at a casino (not sure which one), where I was the star of the blackjack table and won a whole $25! On Saturday we went to my second-cousin, Matthew's, first birthday party in Davenport. It was such a fun day full of lots and lots of babies.
Baby Matthew and his dad, Drew. |
Unhappy baby Claire and her great-grandma |
Kennedy, me, and Quinn |
Quinn and me. I love his cute little smile here :) |
Every free minute I had this week was spent creating my sister's bachelorette party invites. And, if I do say so myself, they turned out absolutely ADORABLE. But, just to warn anyone that considers making them, be sure you have enough free time set aside! I made about twenty-five of them and it probably took me a good twenty hours to get them all done.
A corset or a martini glass...depending on how you look at it. |
This past Thursday, Trent and I took half a day off from work and headed to Omaha to see, drum roll please....TAYLOR SWIFT in concert! HOLY CRAPALONI she was soooo good! Seriously, I don't even understand how she can be so good. She even sang my favorite song of hers, "All Too Well." Click this link to hear it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzJlpnBaJyw
This is the best picture we took of ourselves as we waited for Taylor to come out. |
This is the best picture I got of her that wasn't on the big screen. We really did have great seats, but my stupid phone wasn't taking the greatest pictures. |
I spent this weekend at my cousin Amanda's house dog-sitting while her and her family went to Chicago. I gave her fair warning that her dogs would be getting absolutely no attention from me, and that is exactly how it went. All I did for them was fill up their dog bowls and open up the door so they could go outside to do their business. This weekend confirmed my previous decision that I would never own a dog--not because they misbehaved or anything while I "watched" them, but because they are pointless--they sit around and sleep all day long, they stare at me very annoyingly, and their tails whack me in the leg whenever they are within a foot of me. And, I discovered this weekend, that the smell of dog food makes me want to gag.
Along with dog-sitting this weekend, I worked on more bridal shower projects, went shopping with my sister and her soon-to-be stepdaughters for their junior bridesmaids dresses (we found the perfect one!), and tried to give my miserably sore legs some rest. If you recall from
this post, I was supposed to start my pre-training a month ago. Welp, that didn't happen, so this week I suffered through my training and now feel quite miserable and out of shape.
This week *should* be a bit better for me at work so hopefully I will not be M.I.A. from the blogging world anymore.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all and to all a good night!
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