Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The moment.

Today is a sick day for me. Now, I have been sick for most of the winter (mostly just an annoying cough), but yesterday and today I was/am really sick. I am not sure if it's the flu or a cold (I am twenty-five years old and still don't know the difference), but I am pretty sure I picked up this virus at church on Sunday...

I went to my Grandma's church and at the very end of the service, we had communion. Before kneeling to accept my blessing, I was greeted with several small cups of what I thought was juice. I however, am a huge fan of wine (yes, even church wine), so I passed right on by those cups and waited to be handed an empty cup that would soon be filled with delicious, red wine. So, as expected, the bread (disc-shaped pieces of cardboard) was handed out first, and I patiently awaited for an empty cup to be handed to me and filled with wine--but this never happened.

Instead, the pastor came by with a giant, shiny, silver cup filled with the Blood of Christ. Oh no! I hesitated for a couple awkward seconds unsure of what I was expected to do--do I dip my cardboard into this sea of red wine or do I *gasp* drink from this communal cup filled with backwash and soggy cardboard?! As the pastor moved the glass closer to my quivering lips, I knew. I threw the cardboard into my mouth and attempted to take the tiniest sip possible as the pastor tilted the glass and its contents into my mouth. That was the moment, you see, that I was infected with this cold/flu.

As the day passed by, my sneezes grew louder and more frequent. And after spending a sleepless night with tissues stuck up my nose, it was official, I was sick.

I hope you all are having a better start to your week than I am!


The Girl Who Has Gone Through TWO Boxes of Tissues in a Day and a Half.

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