Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Good morning, Twenty-Thirteen. I am exceptionally happy to wake up to you this morning and so excited to tell you what you should expect from me in the next 365 days. Now, I realize that I have had similar discussions with your friends Twenty-Twelve and Twenty-Eleven, but you are different. I promise.

For the last week or two I have put some serious thought into my resolutions and I am ready to carve them into stone (via this blog). So here I go...

Number 1: Stop worrying. I can honestly say that I am THE BIGGEST worrier that any of you readers have ever read about. Oh, you would like an example, you say? I've got plenty...

My most recent (for the last 3 weeks) worry is that I have lung cancer or some other chronic illness. This might be a logical concern for a chain smoker, or for someone of a more advanced age who has spent their entire life working with toxic chemicals. I, however, have smoked (at most) the equivalent of one cigarette in my life (out of pure curiosity), and the worst "chemical" I have unintentionally inhaled is whatever that obnoxious smelling chemical in nail polish remover is. This particular worry of mine stems from this gosh darn cough that I can't seem to shake. I've been to the doctor twice for it now and at my most recent appointment I expressed to him my concerns about lung cancer. My doctor, while stifling a little chuckle, said to "stop worrying" and that the possibility is "very unlikely" for me.

My second example demonstrates how I have been a worrier for my entire life...
When I was five years old my dad found me crying hysterically (the kind of cry that makes it difficult to breathe) in my room. When my concerned father asked me what was wrong, I expressed to him that I was worried I wouldn't be able to find a job when I grew up. I was FIVE. Good god. My dad, who has since become well aware of my worrying mind, did not tell me this story until after I had graduated college and been offered a job.

So, since I understand it would be impossible elimate all worries, I am going to work really hard at eliminating the worries that are beyond my control.

Number 2: Pay off one of my student loans. It makes me absolutely sick looking at my student loan balances and the interest I have paid on them. So, my goal is to pay off the loan with the biggest interest rate--8.4 percent--which is ridiculously high. It may not be proper etiquette to announce how much your student loans are, so I won't. Instead I will just tell you how much one of my three loans is...eleven thousand big ones. To all you readers out there who are blessed enough not to have any student loans, I hope you realize how lucky you are.

Number 3: Get my own place. I graduated college a year and a half ago and have been living with my parents ever since. I cannot stress how grateful I am for being able to do this as this has saved me so much money, and my parents really are pretty great roommates. Nonetheless, this chick is ready to leave the nest and be out on her own again. Originally, I had hoped to buy my own house, but this will be difficult to do while also completing Number 2 above. But, let the pinching of pennies begin. I am up for the challenge, Twenty-Thirteen.

Number 4: Lose twelve pounds. I know, it's the age-old new year's resolution...but I can't deny this goal of mine. Twenty-Twelve was rather good to me as I lost ten pounds during that year while training for my latest marathon. As I discussed here, I plan on running another during Twenty-Thirteen, so hopefully once I get back into my running groove, I will lose the four pounds I have since gained back, and the extra eight it will take to get back to my highschool weight.

Number 5: Increase my calcium intake. Weird, I know. But, I honestly can't remember the last time I drank a glass of milk--it's been at least three years. And, in an effort to stop worrying about the Osteoperosis I am likely to get without enough of this necessary mineral, I am going to start taking calcium supplements every day. Sounds simple, right? Well, for the average person it probably is. I, on the other hand, am terrible at remembering to do simple tasks like this each day.

There you have it, Twenty-Thirteen, my five resolutions.

With Love,

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